Friday, October 9, 2020

Brief Explanation on Symbols along with useful examples

Symbols are the most important objects that we use to find, filter or search any Hmanga on e-hentai.
Lets check each symbols one by one.

Quotations (" ")

Everything between the quotes is treated as single term including space. Words are not case sensitive.
Generally used when the input has two or more than 2 words.
Consider an example --> ("big ass" and big ass), As a Layman, I think both of them have same words, so it will give me same result, but that is not true.

E-hentai searches (big ass) as a collective term

E-hentai searches (big) or (big ass) or (ass)

Note: Do not use Quotation if it contains only one word (not applicable while excluding multiple tags)

Question/Underscore ( ? /_ )

Wild cards, it can be used to match any single character.
Generally, they are used when we don't know the exact spelling due to language barrier or you don't know whether a particular word is one word or 2 word.
Consider an example like "ninshin", in this word you don't know whether there was "e" or "i".
Nor I can search in google for the same.
So, In this types of scenarios,  we use ? or _.

Asterisk/Percent ( * / %)

Don't know whether "ninsh_n" has 'e' or 'i' in place of '_'

Wild cards, it can be used to match sequence of characters.
One of the most common example about this wildcard is like "I am sure the Hentai manga has 'sensei' something like 'yome' in middle but I don't know the name of the Hentai manga."

Result Example for Asterisk

Subtract ( - )

Used to exclude a word or tag.(Subtract will be explained in "Exclude a tag in e-hentai" post). 

Colon ( : ) 

Colon is used to define a tag.
For example: f:"anal".

Dollar ( $ )

Searches Exact string,tag,name.
Mostly used to search exact tag in E-hentai.
If suppose we use 'watashi$', this means that the Result of Hentai manga should have one word that is 'watashi'.It can be either Hentai manga name, parody, character name or anything.

Result of 'watashi$'

Result of 'watashi$'

This Ends the Brief Explanation on Symbols...



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